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There is Power in Surrender!

There is Power in Surrender!

Posted On: August 13th, 2019

When you submit your power to God it multiplies- He knows he can trust you.

I submit my gifts my time my energy and most of all my mind – my mind isn’t always Healthy, and my mind doesn’t always want to do what God wants me to do, my mind doesn’t always make right decisions.

So I have to submit my mind to God. When the devil comes in and tries to mess with my mind, I must take every thought captive in Christ and remember what God says about me.

How do you want me to use this gift how do you want time to use the power of influence you’ve given me – I used to use it in a very unhealthy way and it hurt a lot of people including myself. There are times when we will get hungry and the temptation is there- we all have different things that we would like to use to feed our hunger- weather it’s the girl friend or boy friend or the dope man or the alcohol or the pills or the club or that booty call, – how will you use your power?

We have to make a decision not to pick up the phone and call that thing that may make us feel good but is bad for us. Even the hunger to post that picture on facebook we know will get a lot of likes- or criticizing and putting others down to make ourselves feel better –

I am willing to go hungry before I abuse what God has given me, and I know that there is so much more for me to do that will give a filling to not only myself but to others. This is a mind set that not many are able to possess but if you are willing to take hold of this and be obedient to what God wants for you,

God will take your power and multiply it in a way you could never do on your own. He wants to mold you and unfold blessings in your life that you couldn’t imagine in a supernatural way that I don’t even have words to describe.

He has called me out of the Grave to share how GREAT He is. I didn’t wake up one day and say, I want to tell the world all about the mess my life was and the things I used to do. The enemy would love for me to keep those skeletons in the closet hidden, But GOD wants to use them to help others see how great He is and that he will do it for anyone who calls on the name of Jesus. Its not an easy walk, but it’s the only way I will live my life until my last breath. I am a disciple of Christ called to make other disciples. Its all about making Jesus more famous!! He is a way maker.